
Present Simple Tense

It is used to express an action in present time, habitual or usual actions or daily event or universal fact. It is used to express an action in present time which is usually done on a regular basis. For example a student says, “I go to school”. It is a daily activity of a student to go to school, so such actions are expressed by present simple tense. Another example is, “I work in a factory”. It tells about a usual action of a person that he works in a factory on regular basis.

Rules. 1st form of verb or base verb is used as main verb in sentence.

                                         Structure of sentence – Rules

Positive Sentence
     • Subject + Main verb + Object
     • Subject + 1st form of verb (or base verb) + Object
Note: If the subject in a sentence is “he, she, it, singular or proper noun” then “s” or “es” is added to the first form of verb or base form in the sentence.
         I write a letter.
         He gets up early in the morning.
         Sun rises in east.

Negative Sentences
   • Subject + auxiliary verb +NOT + Main verb +object
   • Subject + Do not/Does not + 1st form of verb (or base form) + object
         I do not write a letter.
         He does not get up early in the morning.
         Sun does not rise in east.

Note: In negative sentence auxiliary verb “do or does” along with “not” is used. If the subject in a sentence is “he, she, it, singular or proper noun”, then “Does not” is used after subject in sentence. If subject is “I, we, they, you or plural” then “Do not” is used after subject in sentence. “s” or “es” is not added to main verb in negative sentence

Interrogative Sentence
   • Auxiliary verb + Subject + Main verb + Object
   • Do/Does + Subject + 1st for of verb (or base verb) + Object
         Do I write a letter?
         Does he get up early in the morning?
         Does sun rise in east?

Note: If the subject in a sentence is “he, she, it, singular or proper noun” the sentence is started with Auxiliary verb “Does”. If the subject in a sentence is “I, we, they, you or plural” the sentence is started with auxiliary verb “Do”. “s” or “es” is not added to main verb in Interrogative sentence

All the accurately known digits and the first doubtful digit in an expression are called significant figures. Significant figures reflect the precision of a measured value of a physical quantity.

Stopwatch is a device which is used to measure a time interval of an event. Mechanical stopwatches have least count upto 0.1 seconds.

Least Count Of Vernier Calipers is called Vernier Constant.

Chapter 1: Physical Quantities and Measurements

Q/A From The Text Book (PTBB)

Q1:  What is the difference between base quantities and derived quantities? Give three examples in each case.
Base Quantities
Derived Quantities
Base quantities are the quantities on the basis of which all other quantities are expressed.
Length, mass, time, electric current, temperature, intensity of light and amount of substance.
Derived quantities are the quantities which are expressed in terms of Base quantities.
Volume, speed, force, work, energy, power and charge.

Q2: Pick out the base units from the following:
Joule, Newton, killogramme, hertz, mole, ampere, metre, Kelvin, coulomb and watt.
Ans: Kilogram, mole, ampere, metre and Kelvin are the base units.

Q3: Find the base quantities involved in each of the following derived quantities:
(a) speed                                                                 (b) volume
(c) force                                                                   (d) work
Ans:   (a) Speed:
Derived from “length and time”
(b) Volume:
Derived from “length”
(c) Force:
Derived from “Kilogram, length and time”
(d) Work:
Derived from “Mass, length and time”

Q4: Estimate your age in seconds.
Ans: My age in thirteen years. Its value in seconds is
13 years = 13 x 365 x 24 x 60 = Seconds.

Q5: What role SI units have played in the development of science?
Ans: SI units have played a very important role in the development of science. SI units are very helpful to exchange scientific and technical information at the international level.

Q6: What is meant by Vernier Constant?
Ans: Least Count Of Vernier Calipers is called Vernier Constant.

Q7: What do you understand by the zero error of a measuring instrument?
Ans: When zero Of moveable Scale does not coincide with main scale, then instrument has “Zero Error”.

Q8: Why is the correction of Zero Error necessary in a measuring  instrument?
Ans: Correction of Zero Error is necessary in measuring instrument to obtain an extreme correct value.

Q9: What is a stopwatch? What is the least count of a mechanical stopwatch you have used in the laboratories?
Ans: Stopwatch is a device which is used to measure a time interval of an event. Mechanical stopwatches have least count upto 0.1 seconds.

Q10: Why do we need to measure extremely small intervals of time?
Ans: In nature and also in Physics, there are so many phenomenon which vary with respect to the extremely small interval of time and for their experimental measurement we need very precise time measuring instrument. We need to measure extremely small interval of times to calculate the time interval of natural and artificial events.

Q11: What is meant by Significant Figures of a measurement?
Ans: All the accurately known digits and the first doubtful digit in an expression are called significant figures. Significant figures reflect the precision of a measured value of a physical quantity.

Q12: How is precision related to the significant figures in a measured quantity?
Ans:  An improvement in the quality of measurement by using better instrument increases the significant figures in the measured results. The significant figures are all the digits are known accurately and the one estimated digit.

When zero Of moveable Scale does not coincide with main scale, then instrument has “Zero Error”.

My age in thirteen years. Its value in seconds is

13 years = 13 x 365 x 24 x 60 = Seconds.

Base Quantities
Derived Quantities
Base quantities are the quantities on the basis of which all other quantities are expressed.
Length, mass, time, electric current, temperature, intensity of light and amount of substance.
Derived quantities are the quantities which are expressed in terms of Base quantities.
Volume, speed, force, work, energy, power and charge.

Story :                                Shaikh Chilli

Sheikh chilli was one day carrying a basket full of eggs to sell in the market. On the way he said himself, “I shall get a good sum of money for these eggs. With this money I shall buy hens. The hens will have chickens, and they will become many in number. I shall make a good fortune out of them. Soon I shall be one of the richest merchants of the town.
He went on thinking, “I will marry a rich wife. Then I shall have children. If my wife and children do not obey me, I shall be angry. They will try to please me. When they come near me, I shall kick them thus.
So saying he kicked the air. In doing so he took his hands off the basket. The Basket fell on the ground, and the eggs lay broken in a heap.

Moral :- It is useless to build castles in the air.

Introduction to Physics
Physics: The most fundamental division of physical sciences which deals which the study of energy, matter and their mutual relationship.”

Branches Of Physics:
There are 10 branches of Physics:
1- Mechanics
2- Heat and Thermodynamics
3- Sound
4- Light
5- Electromagnetism
6- Atomic Physics
7- Nuclear Physics
8- Geo Physics
9- Plasma Physics
10- Solid State Physics

Mechanics: “It is the study of motion of objects, its causes and effects.”
Heat: “It deals with the nature of heat, its mode of transfer and effects of heat.”
Light: “It is the study of physical aspects of light, its properties, working and use of the optical instruments.”
Sound: “It deals with the physical aspects of sound waves, their production, properties and applications.”
Electromagnetism: “It is the study of the charges at rest and in motion and their relationship with the magnetism.”
Atomic Physics: “It is the study of structure and properties of atoms.”
Nuclear Physics: “It deals with the properties and behavior of nuclei and particles within the nuclei.”
Plasma Physics: “It is the study of production, properties of the ionic state of matter….. the fourth state of matter.”
Geophysics: “It is the study of the internal structure of the earth.

Solid State Physics: “The study of specific properties of matter in solid form is called the Solid State Physics.”

Chapter 1: Fundamentals of Chemistry

“The knowledge that provides understanding of this world and how it works is called Science”
“The knowledge obtained by observations and experiments.”

Introduction to Chemistry:
The branch of science which deals with the composition, structure, properties and reactions of matter is called a chemistry.”
“The branch of science which deals with the composition and properties of matter, changed in matter and laws of principle which govern those changes is called chemistry.”

Scope of Chemistry:
1- Petrochemical products
2- Medicines and Drugs
3- Soaps and Detergents
4- Paints and pigments
5- Insecticides and Pesticides
6- Paper and Plastics

Disadvantages of Chemistry:
1- Toxic wastes
2- Contaminated Water

3- Polluted Air

Chapter 1: Physical Quantities and Measurements

Introduction To Science
The knowledge gained through the observations and experiments is called Science.”
The word “Science” is derived from a Latin Word “Scientia”, which means knowledge.
Before the 18th century various aspects of material objects were studies under a single subject called “Natural Philosophy.

Branches of Natural Philosophy:
It was divided into two branches as following:
1- Physical Sciences
2- Biological Sciences
Physical Sciences: “It deals with the study of non-living things.”
Biological Sciences: “It deals with the study of living things.”

Importance of Measurements in Our Life:

Measurements are not confined to science. They play a vital role in our life to describe and understand the physical world. Over the centuries, man has worked and improved the method of measurements.

Chapter 1: The Saviour Of Mankind

Paragraph No.1:
Arabia is a land of unparalleled charm and beauty, with its trackless deserts of sand dunes in the dazzling rays of a tropical sun. Its starry sky has excites the imagination of poets and travellers. It was in this land that the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) was born, in the city of Makkah, which is about 50 miles from the Red Sea.

Simple English:
Arabia is a beautiful land and has matchless charm. It is land of deserts. These deserts have no path. They’re full of sand dunes. The tropical sun gives very hot rays. So, its climate is very hot. Its sky is full of stars which presents a beautiful sight. It has excites the imagination of poets and travellers. In this land Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) was born in Makkah which is 50 miles away from the Red Sea.

Full Of Stars
Delight greatly
Extremely Bright
Very enthusiastic
Creative mind Ability
Mind’s eye
A person who travels
Without track
Mound of sand

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This blog contains the notes of All the subjects of Class 9 Punjab Text Book Board And I'm from Rawalpindi Board. My name is Faraz Amjad Sheikh. I Read in Class 9, The Lasanians, Rawalpindi.
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